The Fuel of Expression

The mind and body are connected to the FULLEST! When the body is at its fittest, the mind can focus on something other than maintenance/ordering the body. Maybe even the opposite is true also, although I doubt it. I don’t think that feeding the mental will allow for the body to feel refreshed and powerful. I truly feel that one would have to “put in the work” in order to “see the results” when it comes to works of the body. But one aspect of a fit body is having an active and functioning mind.

Lately, I have been stagnate in SO many ways that I can physically see myself deteriorating. Although productive in other ways, I have not spent the valuable time needed to make sure my body is functioning properly. I tend to constantly eat better than the average person and I drink PLENTY of water daily, but that doesn’t do a thing for my energy levels. While in the studio recently, I found that this particular song lacked a certain “sound Im looking for” after listening to it a few times. Im going to blame that on my energy level…

In short, I have to begin a journey that will take me where I want to be on ALL levels! The thing that must be done in the present is to remain focused on the present. I have acquired all of the mental food that I can handle at the moment. I want to share and spread what I have learned! But that damn ittis has set in something SERIOUS!!!

